Dorothy Jean Day

Dorothy at Christmas 2005

Dorothy Jean Day, at age 61, passed away on September 11, 2010 at L’Mar Adult Home, in Seattle, Washington, where she has lived for over nine years as a resident.  Dorothy was tenderly supported by her caregiver, Florencia Martinez and her family who grew fond of Dorothy’s endearing charm.  Most recently she received additional support from the compassionate services of Evergreen Hospice.

Dorothy was born on June 20, 1949 in Seattle, Washington as the third child to parents Charles Mills Day and Barbara Lauder Day.  Dorothy graduated in 1967 from Garfield High School and was a devoted alumna of Garfield having attended several reunions and stayed in contact with her classmates.  With a strong interest in nursing, she volunteered over 380 hours at Harborview Medical Center in 1988.

Dorothy had a superior gift of recall, particularly personal information and telephone numbers and regularly sent cards or called acknowledging everyone’s birth date and/or anniversary.  Much to the delight of family, friends and caregivers, she would unfailingly remember names of any children or grandchildren and courteously asked of everyone’s wellbeing. A courageous survivor of a stroke leaving her paralyzed on her right side, Dorothy continued using public transportation daily to visit friends, libraries, favorite cafes and family while her favorite past time was once baking, especially chocolate chip cookies which she had perfected!

Dorothy is survived by her mother, Barbara Day; her brother, David Day, nieces Alicia and Jessica Day; as well as brother, Donald Day; and sister, Charlene Day, brother-in-law, Chuck Howell, niece Katy Howell and nephew Ross Howell.

The family is tremendously grateful for the continued support of Dorothy by her church community and therefore will hold a celebration of her life at the Church of Christ, 1115 19th Ave, Seattle on September 19 at 3 p.m.   For information call 360 420 0243.