Known to everyone as “Skip”
Skip was born June 26th, 1941 and passed away June 1st, 2011 Wednesday evening at his home. He was 25 days shy of turning 70. The family is having an Open House in celebration and remembrance of his life on Saturday, June 25th starting about 2:30. All are welcome. The family would like to do a good-old-fashion potluck so that there is plenty of food while everyone shares their memories, stories and sorrows. For those that are interested, please bring what ever your favorite dish is to share.
The location is at his daughter Donna’s house in Lake Stevens. The address is: 9024 105th Ave. N.E., Lake Stevens, WA 98258 (Phone # (360) 651-0635).
Please feel free to leave a message here on this web site and sign the guess book for Skip. We (the family) would love to here from you. Thank
you, the Constable family!