Elijah Bleau Gilchrist was born February 21st 1979 at home on Tybee Island Ga. He left this world April 14, 2011 in Seattle Washington, his new home. He is the loving and beloved son of Kimball Davis and Charles Gilchrist. Loving brother to Adam Ross Wolfinger, and Coreen Hughes, loving uncle to Caleb Hughes, and loving brother-in-law to Michael Hughes. He was a poet, and awesome drummer, a multi talented musician, and a creative artist. He had a beautiful spirit and an open and loving heart. He was an inspiration to many and loved by folks from all over the country. He lives on in the hearts and minds of all the lives he touched. He is now at home with the Great Spirit
and at PEACE.I know this because I am his mother and he guides me daily. He wishes for all who loved him to choose happiness concerning his death in honor of the work he did to help humanity in his short lived life and to carry on with the spirit of service to all mankind and the Earth.Ask the Great Spirit for help and one always receives an answer to your prayer .His message is: Unconditional love and forgiveness will give one the keys to Heaven. His family wishes to thank all who have already sent support and constant spiritual healing messages from his loving friends in Seattle and from all across the country. I, his Mother, Kimball, personally thank you all for loving and respecting my son. I want to thank all of the musicians across the country who played in honor of my son. My family is deeply touched and grateful and so is Elijah Bleau. He is truly only a drum beat away, so remember you can always find solace in playing the music Elijah loved. Bob Marley is one that really helps me. One last message he urges me to convey are the four agreements, by don miguel ruiz.they are as follows; Be Impeccable With Your Word; Dont Take Anything Personally; Dont Make Assumptions and Always Do Your Best. These tools will help all who listen. Amen Namaste As Elijah always said , help is on the way.
Friends are asking that all financial donations, in the form of Post Office money orders, be sent to the Family in lieu of flowers or cards to help with expenses. Kimball Davis 11 Bannister Drive Asheville NC 28804.
Please feel free to respond with stories and comments about Elijah, I would love to hear them.