September 1, 1937 – December 2, 2022

Wayne Huntley Farrer, Jr.
On September 1, 1937, a boy was born to Wayne and Lucille Farrer of Napa, CA. This boy would be his namesake, Wayne Huntley Farrer Jr, the third of four Farrer boys. Wayne Jr would grow up as a hard working yet free-spirited young man. As a sophomore in high school, he would meet the love of his life, Gladys Parmley of the incoming freshman class. In 1957 they would be married surrounded by many friends and family.
After 5 years of wedded bliss Wayne and Gladys started a family. Their oldest Dan was born in 1962 followed by 3 more, Tami in 1963, Don in 1965, and Denise in 1968. In 1967, Wayne and Gladys moved the family from Napa, CA to Everett, WA. Then in 1970 they purchased the house in Woodinville, WA where Gladys still lives. Wayne had many jobs throughout his life, his favorite being developing land. Scuba diving and relating stories were his true passions. He had an immensely free spirit, a man full of movement and adventure. He believed that since there was only 24 hours in day, he should use each hour as he saw fit. On December 2, God called Wayne home where we’re sure he was met with open arms. He will be greatly missed and eternally loved.
Wayne is survived by his wife Gladys, his children (Dan, Tami, Don and his wife Nora, and Denise and her husband Tony Rivera), his grandchildren (Nicole and her fiancé Will Hendricks and Crissy), and one great grandchild, his namesake Huntley. Wayne is preceded in death by his parents, his older brothers (Coy and Ron), and his younger brother Michael. Services will be held at a later date, the family will send out notification. Wayne will be buried at Tulocay cemetery in Napa, Ca. The family appreciates all contact and if you wish to, they may be reached at .
The post Wayne Huntley Farrer, Jr. first appeared on Barton Family Funeral Service.